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東京レクイエム Vol.1

更新日:2019-02-11 12:44:46 [修正・削除] [管理者に通知] [マイリンクから削除]
東京レクイエム Vol.1
An underground society lies beneath the surface of tokyo. This society has kept silent for many years but now, they are ont he move. They are ping the four micos, Hinomico, Mizunomico, Kazenomico and Tsuchinomico, and use their powers to awaken the long forgotten \\\"God\\\". To stop them from awakening this god, a grooup of government special agents is dispatched to get hold of each mico and protect them before they reach them. Why is the secret society trying to awaken God? Who are these four micos? Who are these special agents? The long forgotten legend is awakening from the depths or darkness.\",1,

発売日: 2019-01-28女優: スタジオ: ジャパンアニメ 

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